Focus on recycling

Easy to solve the problem of mate房友rial recycling

Reflect the value 了拍of material recover體女y

Application value: each one to間那n of scrap iron and steel can 爸一be recycled to make 850 kilog空農rams of steel, which can sav飛低e 20 tons of iron ore and 1.2 t間拿ons of standard coal compar雜報ed to using iron ore to make steel.Re都山cycling application of電線 1 ton of waste paper can be rec有冷ycled 800 kg of good pa廠分per, can save 17 trees什外, less soda use 240 k老員g, reduce the purification emissions of線音 papermaking 75%, saving pa筆輛permaking power consumption of 40%-5開草0%.

The value of plastic was能月te: More than 700 litres of unleaded p影說etrol and diesel can be cons頻什umed from one tonne of 風聽plastic waste by recycling it into pe得林trol and diesel.Relat姐姐ed article: Talking 票快about plastic bottle rec雜日ycling

The value of the waste aluminum can 懂熱be easily pulled: after the waste ca對錢n be dissolved, it ca問學n be recycled 100% to form a new 用務can, and it can also be made into autom火吧obile, airplane parts or furniture.多道

Value of waste glass:鐵火 20 thousand 500 gram 務車bottles can be consumed after 1 但小ton of waste glass is ret們吃urned to furnace.Spending 20% less than上家 using new raw materials.R我你ecycling 1 ton of 亮嗎waste glass can be thrifty quartz san亮中d 720 kg, less soda ash 250 kg, t雪頻hrifty feldspar匠草 powder 60 kg, thrif空購ty coal 10 tons, 400 degree放影s of electricity.

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Ms. Huang

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